List of modeller tribute pages & biographies.

Anyone who would like to add their name to this list just contact me and I will set something up if I think you are good enough. :-)

The following pages are available:

Andrew Linwood's Models

Athol Holtham VIC

Brian Eather NSW

Brian Gardner NSW

Cliff McIver VIC

David Kidd VIC

Dave Kidd after Aeromodelling

Don Boughton VIC

Robin Hiern VIC

Robin Hiern's Modern Speed Models

Robin Hiern's RH-11 Engine

John Wynne VIC

Monty Tyrell and others VIC

Mike Bellamy NSW

Mark McDermott QLD

Norm Kirton WA

Roger Wise VIC

Reg Towell NSW

Charlie Stone WA

Charlie Stone continued WA

The Young Guns - Murray, Trent & Tom.

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Developed 2003 by David Kidd,
revised 2022 by Warren Leadbeatter.