By early 2007 David Kidd's health was deteriorating to the point where someone else was needed to continue maintaining Australian Control Line Nostalgia. Members of the medical profession had declared David a hopeless case, so we were indeed fortunate when into the breach stepped Ron Chernich of Brisbane, offering his considerable computing expertise and experience as a control line modeller to maintain the site. Ron took over the site at the beginning of June 2007, so all complaints and law suits may now be directed to him. Unfortunately, Ron left us prematurely in 2013 and as such the site was frozen as it was when Ron passed away. It later disappeared from the Internet all together. It was lucky that I, Warren Leadbeatter, was able to download a backup of the site in 2014 before it disappeared. I was originally going to just leave the site frozen as it was, and I did for a few years, but then I noticed that the site is actually dedicated to the Control Line areo modellers of Australia and I knew that both David and Ron would have no problem with me picking up the batton and continuing on. So please be patient while I have a go at brushing up on my Web design skills and I will give it a crack. Regards, Warren. Contributions invited:There is plenty of scope for further expanding this site to become a comprehensive and enjoyable history of control line aeromodelling in Australia. Please consider sharing your old photographs and memories with others. Anyone wishing to contribute to the site is invited to send their material to Webmaster, Warren Leadbeatter. Valuable photos may be snail-mailed and will be returned on request. Alternatively, e-mail me. You can find me on facebook So far, it's 100% unofficial:You may be pleased to know that no government grant money nor M.A.A.A. funds have been wasted producing this website; it has been paid for entirely by others in the hope that you will enjoy it! Visitors say "Thanks!""Thanks and congratulations on a great forum which will only get better and better in the future." - John Cralley "... this is an excellent forum and it would be good to get more Aussie and other flyers from around the World involved in a locally organised fora." - Lance Smith "Your Web site is enjoyed by many and therefore deserves top notch content." - Maris Dislers "I've always been a big fan of your site so I'd love to help you out with photos etc" - Hugh Simons "congrats on your great site." - Peter Krenske "Excellent job! I'm very impressed. I particularly liked the reasons given for the demise of C/L flying." - Walter Bolliger "just picked up your absolutely superb web site upgrade. Congratulations, it must take you most of your life to produce! Just wish there was ANYTHING like it over here. Keep up the good work" - Keith Bolas, South Bristol "our site just seems to get better and better." - Duncan Bainbridge "Congratulations are due to Dave and his friends in the sport for a wonderful documentary on control line flying. Visit the site and I'm sure you will enjoy it" - Reg Heath in Model Flight "I have just had time to look at you web page. It is a credit to you. Congratulations!" - Malcolm Pring "Liked your web pages very much." - David Nugent "May I congratulate you on such well put together and meaningful content. The old photos and descriptions very much mirror my own experiences here in the UK." - Mike Shaw "I just enjoyed surfing through your site. Well done! It brought back a lot of good memories." - John Rhodes "Thank you very much for your work on the website; it bought back so many memories." - Kim Wareham "You made a nice page and I added a link to it on my CL-page." - Peter Nyffeler "I think your web site is informative and really nice." - Tai Woon "Love the CL site. As an ex CL person (started 1966) and now serious RC Glider man, I found it very informative knowing many of the people you feature. I still break out the CL model once in a while." - Paul Ferguson "Great Web site. I look forward to reading it again." - Don Sinclair "I agree it is a shame that the boom between the 50 & 70's has gone. It was fun while it lasted." - Neil Holden "Nice to see your photo's on the net. Thanks!" - Gary Cheesman "Enjoyed your web site, but is control line completely dead in Aus?" - Mick Lewis "I am very impressed with your Class 2 team racers on your web site." - Warren Norrie
Reviewed in Model Flight No.36, June 2001 and Model Flight No.57, March 2002 |
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