ACLN as it is known for short comes from Victoria, where Harry Bailey and the Victorian Control Line Advisory Committee publish the voice of control line aeromodellers from around Australia. See recent issues here. The latest is added around the middle of each month.
NOTICE: This Page is no longer updated
Click Here to go to the CLAMF Website to download recent issues ACLN Magazine.
2013Number 182, December 2013 Classic FAI at CLAMF, Nationals C/L Schedule, New Models, Monty Tyrell Classic Stunt Report.
Number 181, November 2013 Stunt Masters Trophy, Results and Pictures from NSW State Champs at Albury, In The Beginning, U Control from 1949
Number 180, October 2013 Team Racing Topics, New Models, Whyalla Show, European Championships
Number 179, September 2013 Queensland State Champs Racing & Combat Weekend Results & Pics, Obadiah Control Line Weekend, Vintage A & Classic B at CLAMF
Number 178, August 2013 The History of Bendix in Oz, All Australian Day, Vintage Combat Day, Adam Kobelt goes to USA Nats to fly combat & gets Married, 67th Nats Program
Number 177, July 2013 Weekend Competition in Albury, N.S.W. State Championships Results & Pictures, Queensland State Championships Results, Old Phartz Weekend, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 176, June 2013 Old Phartz and Friends Weekend, Engine Works, W.A. State Champs Reports and Pictures, The Ongoing Evolution of Diesel Goodyear, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 175, May 2013 Murphy’s Law, 2016 World Championships in Perth, Notices, Contest Calendars and Results, Letters
Number 174, April 2013 South Australian State Champs Reports and Pictures, Victorian State Champs Reports and Pictures, Engine News, Owen T2.5, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 173, March 2013 MAAA 66th Nationals Results, Memories of Brian Eather’s FAI Team Racer, New Models, MAAA Control Line Rule Change Proposals, Letters To The Editor, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 172, February 2013 Dougs Vintage Stunt 2012, MAAA 66th Nationals. Results, Reports and Pictures, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 171, December 2012 Classic FAI T/R Development, Maris Dislers Revisits the Taipan Series, 67 1.5 BR Diesel, Around the Clubs, Queensland State Champs Report, New Models, World Championship Team Pictures, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 170, November 2012 Classic FAI T/R Development, Maris Dislers Revisits the Taipan Series, 67 1.5 BR Diesel, Queensland State Champs Report, New Models, World Championship Team Pictures, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 169, October 2012 Vintage A Comes of Age, Control Line World Championships Results and Pictures, BMFA National Championships 2012, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
September 2012 As the Editor was on hols overseas, there was no 2012-09 ACLNNumber 168, August 2012 Editorial. CLAMF Web Site, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars, Notices
Number 167, July 2012 MAAA Rules, Mike North Tanks, Shop Talk, State Championships in Vic. N.S.W. Qld, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 166, June 2012 Analytic Analysis of Team Race Performance, Navy Carrier News, New Team Race Models, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 165, May 2012 Vic State Champs, Results, Reports and Pictures, 65th MAAA Nationals Results and Pictures, Obituary, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 164, April 2012 Modifying a Taipan 7x4 Prop for Half-A Combat, Classic FAI T/R News, South Australian State Championships Reports and Results, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 163, March 2012 New Classics, 65th MAAA Nationals Bulletin, New Zealand Waikato Championships, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 162, February 2012 Doug’s Day at Knox, Tailoring Engine Choke Area, Control Line Grand Prix. Pictures and Reports, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 161, December 2011 Ipswich and District C/L Champs (Part 2), Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 160, November 2011 Brian Burke’s Passing, Ipswich and District C/L Champs, NSW State Championships F2C & F2A, Team Race and Speed at Albury, Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 159, October 2011 Excuse Me Mate But Your Model Is On Fire!, Treating Tin-Plated Tanks After Soldering, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 158, September 2011 The Wonders of Detonation, European Championships Results, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 157, August 2011 Singapore T/R Nationals Report and Pictures, N.Z. Jets at Muncie, Half A Combat Models, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 156, July 2011 Parra Gold Diesel 2.5cc Review, NSW State Championships Reports, Results and Pictures, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 155, June 2011 Kiwi News, Vic State Champs Aerobatics, W.A. State Champs Results, 64TH Australian Nationals Held at Dalby, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 154, May 2011 Fora 1.5cc Diesel Reviewed, Racing and Speed Weekend at Albury, Kiwi News, Vic State Champs Results, Reports and Pictures, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 153, April 2011 S A State Championships Results and Pictures, Hunter Valley Champs Report, Waikato Champs Report, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 152, March 2011 Wooden Flight Box Kits, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 151, Feb 2011 Dalby Nationals Reports Results and Pictures, Compressibility: Selection of propeller airfoil section, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 150, December 2010 Kiwi News, Control Line Spring Champs, Ken Taylor 1964 design sees the light of day after 46 years, New Classic B Engine from ASP, XLS 25, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 149, November 2010 New Models, NSW State Champs Weekend at Albury, UK Nats Vintage Combat Report, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 148, October 2010 Rob Fitzgerald and Mark Ellins Win F2C at 2010 FAI CL World Championships, Classic FAI T/R, Vintage Combat Mutterings, Gordon Burford’s Wombat Stunter, Australians Overseas, 64th Nationals Program of Events
Number 147, September 2010 B Teamrace Wars, Once More with Feeling at Brodak Fly-in, New Models, Pictures and Results from the C/L World Champs
Number 146, August 2010 Construction of F2C Teamracers using carbon fibre, US Nats at Muncie, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 145, July 2010 Elevator Power Hinging, The Secret Life of Squish, WA State Champs, Vic State Champs, Contest news and Resulys, Notices
Number 144, June 2010 On-Board Plug Lighter, Measurement of Compression Ratio, Electric Power Systems for C/L Part III, Qld State Champs Pictures and Results, All Aussie and Vintage Combat Day, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 143, May 2010 Notices, Classic Team Race, Vic State Champs Results and Pics, Electric Power Systems for C/L Part II, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 142, April 2010 Gyroscopic Behaviour of Propellers, Hunter Valley Champs, Electric Power Systems for Coltrol Line, Waikato Champs, Progress of New Models, For Sane and Wanted, SA State Champs results and Pictures.
Number 141, March 2010 Building a Ramrod, 63rd MAAA Nats Report, Navy Carrier News, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 140, February 2010 An Invitation to Consider C/L Stunt, C/L Speed: model CG position, 63rd MAAA NATS Results and Pictures, Combined Speed at SSME Luddenham, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 139, December 2009 Navy Carrier News, CLAG and Brimbank's day at Knox, Classic B T/R Developments, National C/L Timetable and Notes, Contest Calendars and Results
Number 138, November 2009 Contest Calendars and Results, Letters to the Editor, Product Review: Parra 2.5, Classic A and Vintage B at Albury, NSW State Champs Albury, Annual Burford Day at KMFC
Number 137, October 2009 Contest Calendars and Results, Letters to the Editor, Modifying a standard 25 sport glow engine for Classic B Racing
Number 136, September 2009 Contest Calendars and Results, Product Review, Obituary, Around the Clubs, What's Being Built?
Number 135, August 2009 Navy Carrier News, F2D Shut-offs, Notices, Letters to the Editor, Contest Results.
Number 134, July 2009 Results and pictures from Qld, NSW, and Vic State Champs. GMS 2000 Series 25 Engine, Classic B Rules Update, 63rd NATS Program of Events, Contest Results.
Number 133, June 2009 Navy Carrier, Qld State Champs, All Aussie Day, Simple Adjustable Push Rod Ends, Kiwi News, How Strong Are Your Lines?
Number 132, May 2009 A Visit from Jack Black, Aeroflyte Spitfire Build, Stunt Report from SA, Vic State Champs Report and Pictures, Contest Calendars and Results.
Number 131, April 2009 The Brendan Farrell 500 at KMFC, You don't have to take a course or anything, SA State Champs Results Reports and Pictures, Waikato NZ CL Champs, Contest Calendars and Results.
Number 130, March 2009 Farewell to a Well Known Veteran, FORA Pioneer Diesel Engine Test, More 62nd Nationals, Contest Calendars and Results.
Number 129, February 2009 Classic FAI Team Race, New F2C Model, 62nd Nationals Results and Report, Contest Calendars and Results.
Number 128, December 2008 Vintage Team Race at KMFC, Overseas Visitor, Classic Racers, Proposed MAAA Rule Change, Contest Calendars and Results.
Number 127, November 2008 Brimbank Falcons Vintage Combat Day, Albury T/R & Speed Meet, Burford Day at St Ives, Contest Calendars and Results.
Number 126, October 2008 Stuntmasters Trophy, Handsome Young Hero Does Combat, A Modelling Pilgrimage, Contest Results, Contest Calendars.
Number 125, September 2008 Back to Brodacks, Knox club news, World Champs results and photos, Contest Calendars.
Number 124, August 2008 Australian F2C World Champions, Stuntmasters Results, Readers Pictures, Newly Finished Models, Contest Calendars.
Number 123, July 2008 Teamrace Piloting, The Hearns Trophy, Around the Clubs, Contest Calendars
Number 122, June 2008 All Aussie Day an Knox, News from Aussie Overseas, Choosing the Best Pit Station, QLD State Champs Results, Speed Corner.
Number 121, May 2008 Vic F2B Champs Report, 2006 Fora F2D Engine Test, SA Champs Results, 62nd MAAA NATS Bulletin.
Number 120, April 2008 Contest calendars, C/L at Leopold, Vic state champs results, 500 laps at KMFC
Number 119, March 2008 Adelaide stunt, class 1 speed record, more carrier deck, soldering stainless steel lines
Number 118, February 2008 Monty Tyrrell classic, making canopies, 61st Nationals results/reports/photos
Number 117, December 2007 Taranaki N.Z. champs, Menace canard plan, carrier deck, Frankston speed & racing
Number 116, November 2007 W.A. State racing champs, NSW State champs, Adelaide slow combat, Galaxie plan
Number 115, October 2007 Adelaide triathalon, British Nationals racing report & photos, contest results
Number 114, September 2007 Vic State champs F2B, AAC engine break-in, 1957 speed model replica, contest results
Number 113, August 2007 CLAMF racing at Albury, visit to Brodak's, European champs results
Number 112, July 2007 W.A. State champs, CLAG Moe meeting, contest results, Brimbank 1/2A combat
Number 111, June 2007 Qld State champs, classic B racing fuel, veterans gathering at Muswellbrook, speed
Number 110, May 2007 S.A. State champs, Victorian State champs, fuel blockage in glow engines
Number 109, April 2007 Hunter Valley champs, 1/2A combat plane review, automatic line tension compensation
Number 108, March 2007 Making piston rings, gyroscopic precession, Cyclon JAK 09 engine test, contest results
Number 107, February 2007 Monty Tyrrell classic, contest results, 60th Nationals results/reports/photos
Number 106, December 2006 Stuntmasters trophy, vale Colin Somers, Kuringai Gordon Burford day, Vintage teamrace
Number 105, November 2006 covering with Vilene, vale William Crawford, teamrace tales, TARMAC anniversary
Number 104, October 2006 MVVS TRS & D7 2.5 engine review, electric F2B, British Nats photos, contest results
Number 103, September 2006 Adelaide slow combat, pulse jets, Peacemaker/FliteStreak stunt, honing engine bores
Number 102, August 2006 Making engine silencers, results from World champs in Spain, contest results
Number 101, July 2006 Limbo & balloon burst at Knox, origins of the octane scale, NSW State champs
Number 100 , June 2006 One hundred and still not out! Qld state champs, 59th Nationals results/reports/photos, around the clubs
Number 99, May 2006 Adelaide Vintage/Classic stunt, last of Charlie's TARMAC Notes, Vic state champs
Number 98, April 2006 British Goodyear, CLAG country meeting at Moe, TARMAC Notes, contest results
Number 97, March 2006 Fox 35 engine test, Hearns stunt trophy contest, Adelaide triathalon, TARMAC Notes
Number 96, February 2006 East Coast champs, S.A. State champs, Monty Tyrrell classic, CLAG Traralgon day
Number 95, December 2005 TARMAC Notes (with 1945 ARF model), CLAG meetings Moe & Knox, contest results
Number 94, November 2005 TARMAC Notes (electric powered stunt), NSW State Champs results/reports/photos
Number 93, October 2005 First Moe speed contest, S.A. triathalon and 500 lap ratrace, TARMAC Notes
Number 92, September 2005 TARMAC Notes, CLAG meeting at Knox, Classic B news from North America
Number 91, August 2005 Cyclon P-6 combat engine test, TARMAC Notes, 58th Nationals results/reports/photos
Number 90, July 2005 Making canopies for small models, Hearns/Yeomans stunt trophies, glowplug survey
Number 89, June 2005 Stunt weekend in New Zealand, Luddenham racing day, Qld State Champs
Number 88, May 2005
Vic State Champs results/reports/photos, Hunter Valley T/R & Speed, TARMAC NotesNumber 87, April 2005 Adelaide triathalon, KMAC stunt day, Hunter Valley Champs, S.A. State Champs stunt
Number 86, March 2005 Rocket Classic B plan & construction notes, vale Bob Palmer, contest results
Number 85, February 2005 squish for stunt engines, Classic & Vintage day at Keilor Park, S.A.State Champs
Number 84, December 2004 A speed virgin's tale, tuning F2B stunt engines, T/R at Knox, British Nationals results
Number 83, November 2004 4-stroke engines for stunt, Eastcoast champs, TARMAC Notes, flying at Moe
Number 82, October 2004 CLAG competition at Moe, TARMAC Notes, contest results, Vintage combat rules
Number 81, September 2004 World champs F2B, KMD 2.5 engine review, USA Nationals Vintage B report/photos
Number 80, August 2004 eligibility of fibreglass for vintage A racers, World champs results, simple thrust tester
Number 79, July 2004 more recent racing reflections, Starbombs fly again, NSW State Champs results
Number 78, June 2004 Enya SS 15 D BBS engine review, recent racing reflections, Bussleton Nats photos
Number 77, May 2004 Vacuum bagging wings, Monty Tyrrell classic, Vic State Champs photos
Number 76, April 2004 Propeller rpm Vs speed graph, engine liner materials, Hunter Valley championships
Number 75, March 2004 Ken Taylor's stunt column, Bob Burrell memorial stunt comp, MVVS 2.5 DFS-R review
Number 74, February 2004 Corrugated plastic combat trainer, S.A. State Champs pictures, first F2F competition
Number 73, December 2003 Fuels for F2C competitions by Chris Wee, vale Ron Wilson, ARF Nobler review
Number 72, November 2003 Dynajet powered sports jet, midrange engine survey, East Coast Champs results
Number 71, October 2003 Mako stunter kit review, More competitions, "Long Gone" classic B teamracer
Number 70, September 2003 OS LA46X engine review, ARF Nobler review, European champs results/report
Number 69, August 2003 Mark Batty's approach to stunt, propeller design: tips and profile efficiency
Number 68, July 2003 Pilot proficiency scheme, Queensland State Champs results/reports/photos
Number 67, June 2003 In-flight determination of airspeed and engine rpm, S.A. State Champs results/photos
Number 66, May 2003 Fly Try day at Knox, vale Jim Dillon, Victorian State Champs results/reports/photos
Number 65, April 2003 Ken Taylor's Stunt column, contest results, synthetic oils Vs. castor oils discussion
Number 64, March 2003 Hearns Trophy, model release stooges, ducted engine cooling, more Nats reports
Number 63, February 2003 Monty Tyrrell classic, CLAG country flying day, 56th Nationals results/reports/photos
Number 62, December 2002 Contest calendar and results, CLAC open day, Travelling dynamometer, Team race tales, Vintage race dat at KMFC, Addendum to remote dopler recording
Number 61, November 2002 Contest calendar and results, Racing news from NSW state champs, Weight a minute, Tarmac notes WA, Around the clubs
Number 60, October 2002 Contest calendar and results, Engine Test: Stalker ST61 2-2-2, Tarmac notes WA, A bit of vintage, Remote dopler recording, Qld news
Number 59, September 2002 Contest calendar and results, Vintage A and Classic B at Bendigo, Tarmac notes from WA
Number 58, August 2002 Contest calendar and results, Australia's first World C/L champion, Acoustic antena part 2, Vintage 'A' TR, Tarmac notes
Number 57, July 2002 Contest calendar and results, Tarmac notes, Around the clubs, Marz Musings and other things
Number 56, June 2002 Contest calendar and results, Potential hazards of carbon fibre and epoxies, Around the clubs, SA state champs results, R/C to C/L fun
Number 55, May 2002 Contest calendar and results, Around the clubs, Vic state champs results, Qld news, Getting into vintage racing, Club news
Number 54, April 2002 Contest calendar and results, Around the clubs, Team race chat, Qld news, WA news
Number 53, March 2002 Contest calendar and results, Engine Test: Merco 40, WA news, Old time team race, Speed corner
Number 52, February 2002 Contest calendar and results, WA news, 55th NATS, Qld news
Number 51, December 2001 Contest calendar and results, Pulse jets Rean and Model, Harlow return, Nats racing natter, WA news, Results of rules change
Number 50, November 2001 Contest calendar and results, Time Traveller refuelling valve, Brimbank Falcons day, 55th NATS Bulletin, Vintage engine CIE 10, WA news
Number 49, October 2001 Contest calendar and results, Around the clubs, WA news, Classic Blast from the past, MPH speed chart
Number 48, September 2001 Contest calendar and results, WA news, Around the clubs, Classic B vs Vintage B, Pepperell 10, QLD state champs pics, Shop talk, Racing at Kuring Gui
Number 47, August 2001 Contest calendar and results, WA news, Vivell Precision 09 vintage engine, Engine Test: MVVS 49 stunt, Around the clubs
Number 46, July 2001 Contest calendar and results, WA news, Vintage engine, Classic "B" plan offer, "Preying Mantis" canard, TR wing construction, Acoutic antenna
Number 45, June 2001 Contest calendar and results, Engine Test: RM61S ABC, Nationals results, Allouchery 1.25cc, Nitromethane, F2C T/R times, The prop doc
Number 44, May 2001 Contest calendar and results, Around the clubs, Tach's corner, Vic state champs results, Qld state champs, Where do I begin in C/L flying?
Number 43, April 2001 Contest calendar and results, News from WA, Around the clubs, Galaxie (classic B T/R), Qld news, More foolishness
Number 42, March 2001 Contest calendar and results, 18 years on top, News from WA, Qld news, Pulse jet modellers of Australia, Nationals Bulletin
Number 41, February 2001 Contest calendar and results, News from WA, Around the clubs, Tacho's corner, Tuning pulse jets, 4-stroke stunt engines
Number 40, December 2000 News from WA, Tacho's Corner, Clas C Team Race Revival USA, The Prop Doc, SA C/L Champs
Number 39, November 2000 News from WA, Pulse Jet Aeromodellers of Australia: Fuels, Tacho's Corner, Working and Setting Up a Stunt Motor, Qld News
Number 38, October 2000 Moulded Balsa Shells, World C/K Championship results, Pulse Jet Aeromodellers of Australia: Tuning, Glow Plugs, Prop Balancing
Number 37, September 2000 Vintage Team Race, Qld News, Northers Area District Champs, NSW State C/L Champs, Pulse Jet Aeromodellers, Luddenham Speed and Team Race Weekend
Number 36, August 2000 Tacho's Corner, Class 2 Team Race, FAI Rule Change, The "Magic Stunt Run" Part 2, C/L World Champs Gossip
Number 35, July 2000 Brake Horsepower Curves and What They Mean, Engine Test: DS60RE/R, The Prop Doc, MAAA Rule Change, The "Magic Stunt Run"
Number 34, June 2000 Nowra NATS Results and Pictures, C/L World Champs Team, News from WA
Number 33, May 2000 Vic State Champs Results and Pictures, Tacho's Corner, Vintage T/R engine Update
Number 32, April 2000 The Prop Doc, News from WA, Cap Strip Bender, Qld Scale Report and Pictures, SMAC Notice
Number 31, March 2000 Combat Tips and Tricks, NATS Bulletin #3, My Thoughts on Team Racing from Andy Kerr, Class 2 Team Race
Number 30, February 2000 Classic Stunt, News from WA, Vintage Team Race News, Tacho's Corner, Qld News
Number 29, December 1999 Glow Plugs Why Do They Fail?, Narromine 1999, Mills Mite for the Nowra Nats?, CL Speed & Racing Records, Goodyear Racing Equipment Analysis
Number 28, November 1999 .21 Speed, Around the Pylon, Not Another Postal Speed Event, Prop Doctors Dilemma, C/L Scale Qld, Class 2 TR News
Number 27, October 1999 News from WA, Around the Clubs, Return of the Prop Doctor, Vintage Team Race News
Number 26, September 1999 Using a Pitch Gauge, Your Propeller and You, Tachos Corner, The Prop Doctor Panics!, Phantom Challenge, 101 Reasons things go wrong!
Note: We have removed all pdfs from this site as you can get them from the source at the CLAMF Website.