A page full of pictures of Mark McDermott of Queensland Australia, and some of the model planes he has owned.

1.  Mark holding a class 2 teamracer in the late nineteen nineties.  Built by Peter Morindini, it was powered by a Nelson 20 and was capable of 110 mph for 50 laps.

Mark originally started control line modelling as a boy of about fourteen, and joined the Ipswich Lightnings club, which later evolved into the Control Line Aeronautical Society Inc.  Like many modellers, Mark took a break from modelling for several years, but came back to it in 1986, and it is since then that he has owned the models pictured on this page.  In 2002 he serves as president of the Control Line Aeronautical Society Inc.

2.  Double Dice was an attractive classic B teamracer Mark had in 1999.  Although Double Dice appears to have been originally designed for a rear induction engine, this particular plane was powered by a front induction, plain bearing Enya 29.

3.  In 2002 Mark's Rocket won the first classic B teamrace held in Queensland, completing the race in the respectable time of 6 minutes and 25 seconds.  Keen promoter of classic B racing, John Hallowell from Victoria was the builder of this plane.

4.  Here's Mark, pictured with his regular racing pilot, Paul Dillon and a black Voodoo Mk2, with which the pair had just won the 2002 Queensland State Championships Vintage A teamrace.  During the elimination heats for this race the team recorded a time of 3 minutes 16 seconds, believed to be a world record for this class of racing.

5.  On the right of this picture are Mark and his son Trent, winners of the Junior Rat Race at the Queensland State Champs of June 2002.  On the left are second placegetters, Mick Comisky and his son Michael from NSW.  Junior Rat Race rules allow seniors to act as mechanics.

6.  This is the beautiful modern Class 2 teamracer Mark took to the 2002 Albury Nationals, but it was relegated to the sidelines when its Nelson engine broke a con rod in practice.  Mark used a reserve model for the race.

7.  A new model Mark has ready for the next Nationals is this vintage A teamracer called Dimpled Dumpling.  Like all his other vintage A models it uses a Timmy Tiger for power.

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Developed 2002, revised 2005 by David Kidd.  Your Webmaster is Ron Chernich.