This page explains how you can order any of the listed plans for control line model aircraft from Terry McDonald. All teamracer plans are priced at £3:50 (includes postage within U.K.) unless stated otherwise on the complete list below. For foreign postage to Europe add 50 pence, to rest of world add 1 pound per plan. Terry accepts pounds, US $ and euros or any major currency notes but please allow 10% extra for foreign exchange losses if paying in anything other than pounds. Send your remittance by mail accompanied by your name, address, and plans you want to Terry McDonald, 2 Fordwells Close, Littleover, Derby DE23 3SU, England. For enquiries or special requests please email Terry at . Complete list of Terry McDonald's teamracer plans:CLASSIC FAI Espadon - French racer - kit plan Past - Australian designed Nats winner and record holder by Alan Shing Ken Long's FAI racer from Model Aircraft (aka Tigress VI) Mamba - 1960 design published in Practical Mechanics Orion, Czech racer from 1964, enlarged from plan in Aeromodeller Tigress Mk VI Ken Long's original drawing for the one mentioned above Mac Grimmet's FAI racer, drawn by Dave Finch from the original model. Tempo - Amercian design for Oliver Tiger VINTAGE A The A Bus– J Johnson’s RAFMAA racer from the fifties. Arau—Portuguese racer for Webra Mach I supplied by Julio Isidro Battler*—1950 racer for Elfin 2.49 etc by Ron Moulton. Cannonball—A Scottish design which did well at the Nationals in 1955 — upright engine. Competitor— Australian design from 1951, kit by Hearn’s Hobbies. Dimpled Dumpling— drawn by Dave Finch from Mac Grimmet’s original 1956 model. Fingerprint— the Foresters club 1956 Nats winner obtained from Australia, FAI size wing for better handling. Fury— Australian Aeroflyte kit design. Hearn’s Swift— Australian kit model originally for the Taipan motor, this mid wing model is vintage legal. Mercury Mac—plan for the kit model, an excellent robust model. Mercury Mark II— plan for early kit racer— very light, perhaps better for 1/2 A. Ranger— 1951 Keil Kraft kit very built up structure. Skyleada Hornet— early kit for the ED Racer, built up wing. Shorty—weird looking Aussie Nationals winner from 1957 Tornado— an Italian Olimpic kit design originally for ST G30, from 1957 Tarantula—John Horton’s Wharfedale design. Tiger Terror—Jim Muir’s 1956 Nationals model drawn by Sam Alexander. Voodoo I—Gordon Yeldham’s early design redrawn by Dave Smith. Voodoo V—The Contest Kits 1957 kit design drawn from an original kit ( no plan was provided in the kit). CLASS B VINTAGE NOTE: all designs marked with an asterisk * are eligible for the VTR 2000 type events. Accelerator - Aussie design from 1957. Auggie—US design from early period by Dave Shipton. Able Mable*— M.A.N magazine plan enlarged for this McCoy powered design. Bartlett Bullett - US design, very smart spatted U/C, shoulder wing model. Blue Star - pretty Italian design flown successfully by Dennis Ward amongst others. Enlarged magazine plan. Challenger— early design by L Schulman, upright motor, originally for the ED 3.46. Chatterbox* - Second T/R design to be published, April 1949 Model Airplane News, upright engine, butterfly tail. Two sheet plan so £5 Chowhound - US designed as flown by Terry Taylor, enlarged magazine plan. Double Dice—Charlie Taylor’s famous design. Firebrand— Australian model from 1954 Firecracker— US design based on the Keith Rider Thompson Trophy racer. Firecracker— 1950 B racer from Australian Model Hobbies Firecracker 2—Later version of the Firecracker also from magazine article. Good News— Monarch kit plan, handsome but rather large model with spatted undercarriage. Also available as Sam Alexander’s redraw. Jack of Diamonds— Ken Muscutt’s Nationals design again a two sheet plan so £5. Jezebel— US plan by Hank Bourgeois, swept wing racer with a jet plane look. Kestrel— Sam’s redraw of the Model Aircraft plan. The Key * - Keith Storey’s 1948 design the first T/R design to be published in March 1949 Air Trails. Upright engine, sheet wing—flies well. Lapmaster— Australian plan Lil’ Lulu*— Norman Butcher’s long lost design from 1950, Law’s kit plan. Marauder— Nationals winner by the Martin Brotherrs Mercury Mark I*— Mercury kit plan for Frog 500 etc. Mew Gull* - near scale model designed by Cal Smith. Nemesis*— Handsome 1950 Italian design, upright motor. Ole Slippery*— another Cal Smith design from the US a nice looking aeroplane. Pacer—handsome but frail Keil Kraft kit plan. The Quest— another design from Keith Storey one of the FAST Club founders of Team Racing. Racer—by Dave Shipton USA—early but pretty design. Racer*– by Rudy Panko USA— early and lovely looking. Rambler— George Moir’s 1954 US Nationals winner for Fox 29 power. 55 Rambler— The following year’s winner—very small and lively model. Scrambler—Elliptical winged beauty, enlarged from US mag plan. Scout* - KK kit plan, biplane Shadrach*— Hank Bourgeois’ 1950 design for inverted McCoy 29. Starbomb—Aussie kit plan for B racer originally in a magazine The Sheik— US magazine plan enlarged. Thunderbird —original Sid McGoun design for Mercury kit , White XI and XIII— Don Walker’s Nationals winning designs. Wrangler— Peter Chinn’s drawing of Pete Wright’s successful St Albans Club racer, originally published in M.A.N. CLASSIC TEAM RACERS. All these designs are eligible for Classic Team Race events run to the Bilston Club’s Rules. Crescendo— Aussie design by Ken Taylor for OS 29 III (1961) Galaxie— Advanced Australian design for Brodak 25 drawn by David Kidd Hearn’s Swift— later low wing version of the Vintage A design, from Australian kit manufacturer. Joker— Aussie design by Dave Kidd for ETA 29 Ken Long’s FAI Racer— Tigress III, I believe, free plan originally in Model Aircraft. Very sleek, monowheel. Long Gone— Ed Heiser’s US Racer from 1962 MAN Pronto—Adrian Bellamy’s Aussie B racer. Rocket— John Hallowell’s Australian design for front induction engines, created specially for Classic B teamracing. Tempo— US design for the Oliver Tiger. VINTAGE 1/2 A TEAM RACERS Mirage—diminutive Frog kit plan for 1/2cc Hornet—Frog kit plan Mercury 1/2 A - kit plan, designed by Henry J Nicholls. Zephir—1951 biplane by Aeropiccola of Italy—short on wing area. Terry also has many Vintage and Classic Stunt, Speed and Scale C/L plans. |