Recall the golden years of aeromodelling with these pictures of magazines imported into Australia and having significant control line content.
Aero Modeller"Aero Modeller" from Britain was always one of the best magazines for control line content, and has survived in emaciated form into the twenty-first century. Sold in many hobby shops and newsagents, "Aero Modeller" was widely read for many years in Australia. A feature of "Aero Modeller" was its plans service. Every issue of the magazine contained two or three plans, usually scaled down to fit page size but still big enough to understand. The archived collection of these plans was very comprehensive indeed, and supported a catalogue describing the full sized plans available. Designs included many of Britain's best, which were equal to the world's best in some modelling classes. Model Aircraft"Model Aircraft", also from Britain, was the official publication of the Society of Model Aeronautical Engineers and was also widely read in Australia until it was absorbed into "Aero Modeller". Tests and reports on model engines by Peter Chinn were amongst the most highly esteemed features of "Model Aircraft". Engines from all over the world were reviewed. Each issue of the magazine would usually contain a comprehensive review containing dynamometer power curves, photos of the engine's internals, and expert commentary by Peter. American Aircraft ModelerFrom the USA came "American Aircraft Modeler", sold in Australia by the bigger hobby shops and good bookshops. It had good control line features and plans that made it a favourite with numerous serious modellers. Model Airplane News"Model Airplane News" was another USA magazine sold in Australia and enjoyed by many. The cover of this 1977 issue would probably be considered pornographic by modern Australian law makers, but more sensible people will acknowledge that the little girl pictured probably suffered no harm whatsoever by having her picture taken, even if the photo was then exploited to help sell a magazine and brought pleasure to some who viewed it. Flying Models"Flying Models" was another USA magazine sold in Australia and enjoyed by many. Australian modellers were always impressed by the tremendous variety of modelling equipment advertised for sale in magazines like "Flying Models" and its American competitors. Model Aviation"Model Aviation", the publication of the Academy of Model Aeronautics, was considered by some to be the best magazine available from the USA, but it was rarely seen offered for sale. The few copies that came into Australia were usually obtained by direct subscription. |