![]() The rules governing Vintage Stunt competitions for control line aerobatic model aircraft in Australia. The following rules appeared on the official M.A.A.A. website for year 2006: C/L VINTAGE STUNT 4.15.1. OBJECT To encourage the building, displaying and flying of vintage control line stunt model aircraft. 4.15.2. GENERAL RULES A visual safety inspection and pull testing shall be carried out before flying. Pull Test - as prescribed for FAI Aerobatics. Control line type - The use of "Laystrate" or braided stainless steel is recommended. Silencers - Fitting of silencers is encouraged. Modification of models from the original plan to allow fitting of silencers will not prejudice static points. 4.15.3. STATIC JUDGING a) Construction Points. Construction points are to be given for workmanship and building the model in the same manner and using the same materials as were used in the original. Internal construction may be changed to improve strength but external dimensions must remain as per the original. Points For Construction Building Workmanship Max 20 points Finish Max 20 points Use of original materials Max 20 points Adherence to original plan Max 20 points b) Age of Models Points are awarded on a sliding scale as follows: 1945 - 16 1949 - 12 1953 - 8 1957 - 4 1946 - 15 1950 - 11 1954 - 7 1958 - 3 1947 - 14 1951 - 10 1955 - 6 1959 - 2 1948 - 13 1952 - 9 1956 - 5 1960 - 1 Bonus for biplanes 5 points Bonus for fixed flaps 5 points c) Documentation Competitors must provide proof of age. Points shall be awarded as follows: Excellent proof: Date and authenticity of evidence is beyond doubt (e.g. dated plan or magazine published plan)..................................................10 points Good proof: Supporting evidence indicating likelihood of authenticity (e.g. magazine article giving dated reference) ...........................................7 points. Fair proof: e.g. published list of old time designs plus undated plan.....................................................5 points Poor proof: e.g. undated plan alone or no proof presented)...........................................3 points Note: photocopies of original documents are acceptable. d) Age of engines - Add progressive points for increasing age of engines in the following scale, with age validated by suitable documentation. 1944 27 1949 19 1954 14 1959 9 1964 4 1945 25 1950 18 1955 13 1960 8 1965 3 1946 23 1951 17 1956 12 1961 7 1966 2 1947 21 1952 16 1957 11 1962 6 1967 1 1948 20 1953 15 1958 10 1963 5 1968 0 Full points, relevant to the particular year, shall be awarded for reproduction engines. Bonus for spark ignition ............................................. 10 points Bonus for models powered by engine 2.5 cc or less ... 10 points Note: 1. Reproduction engines shall qualify if constructed to the original design. Modifications to allow fitting of mufflers shall not prejudice engine points. 2. Spark ignition bonus is awarded only when the engine was originally sold as a spark ignition engine. 3. To qualify for engine points, competitors must provide at least fair proof of engine age. No points will be given if no proof is given. 4.15.4. FLYING. There shall be two official flights. Each competitor is entitled to two attempts for an official flight. Two minutes are allowed for starting. Failure to do so will constitute a delayed flight. Two delayed flights will constitute an official flight. At least two laps are required between manoeuvres. Competitors should signal before commencing each manoeuvre. Competitors should signal before commencing each manoeuvre. The points shall be scored as follows: a) Starting and Takeoff (two minutes).............................. Max 10 points b) Level flight (2 laps at 2 metres).......................per lap Max 10points c) Climb (at least 3 metres)....................................... Max 10 points d) Dive (at least 3 metres)........................................ Max 10 points e) Wingover (1 overhead arc, recovery to upright flight) Max 10 points o f) Inside loops (3 consecutive within 60 )............each @ Max 10 points g) Inverted flight (2 laps at 2 metres).....................per lap Max 10 points (entry from and recovery to normal flight is not judged) o h) Outside loops (3 consecutive within 60 )..........each @ Max 10 points o i) Lazy eights (2 consecutive within 60 )..............each @ Max 10 points j) Two consecutive vertical eights. .......................each @ Max 10 points (entered via a half-inside (lower) loop leading into the second (upper) outside loop) k) Two consecutive overhead eights ......................each @ Max 10 points l) Two consecutive inside square loops ............... each @ Max 10 points m) Landing......................................................... Max 10 points The total points scored shall be the aggregate of the static points and the points scored in the best official flight, each inclusive of all bonus points.
Developed April 2007 David Kidd. Your Webmaster is Ron Chernich. |